Cubs: Scavenger Hunt

Can you complete the following scavenger hunt - photos are perfect you don’t need to bring everything home

Smile at those you walk past on your hunt - how many smile back?

Identify 5 different trees do you know if they are evergreen or deciduous?

Find something for all seven colours of the rainbow

Collect a large smooth stone and five small smooth stones - make them into a picture of a footprint

How many different types of insects with spots on them can you see

Can you identify 3 birds on your walk - did you hear them sing?

Pick up at least 10 items of rubbish and put them in the bin (more would be great!)

Turn over a few branches or rocks and find some mini beasts

Find something shiny and something reflective

Is there anything (other than litter) that looks out of place?

Find the names of six wild flowers

Is there something that makes a big impact on you?

Five things that make you smile

What things can you see that improve your environment?

Is there anything that makes your environment worse (other than litter)?

How many different types of exercise do you see people doing

How many mammals do you see

Find three different seeds

Are there any hazards on your walk list as many as you find.

What rainbows can you spot whilst you are out

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