Beavers: Space Activity Badge


Get ready to explore the stars, planets and beyond. Got your space suit on? Good, Let’s go...

How to earn your badge:

1.     Observe the Moon, then recreate a much tastier version with a biscuit (or two).


2.     Do The “Eyes to the skies” activity from the Scout website

Wrap up warm then head outside to explore the night sky. What can you spot high above you? 


3.     Make a “Fruit Salad Solar System” and take a picture to show your leader .


4.     Find out about a space mission, an astronaut or a planet in our solar system.

Do the “Ask an astronaut” activity from BBC Bitesize, click on a question to hear the answer from Scout ambassador and astronaut, Tim Peake.

When You’ve done this, use items of clean recycling to build a model of a space station

If  you get stuck, you could think about where the astronauts sleep, how the station’s powered (solar panels), and where the astronauts carry out experiments. For example, people could use foil to make solar panels or empty bottles and boxes to make modules

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