Scouts and Explorers: Dragons' Den Challenge

See, below for the details of our Dragons' Den challenge, contact your leader for more information.

Introducing the Project

Welcome to the Rushcliffe District Scouts Dragons' Den, where you will become a young entrepreneur, creating, researching, and pitching your ideas to the panel of Dragons.

Working in groups, design a product you can sell to Christmas market. You will then collect data to determine what will make your product sell, you will use this evidence to create a business proposal, which you will pitch to the panel of Dragons in an attempt to “gain funding for your idea”

Your task is to:

1. Decide what to call your Team nominate a COO, then decide manufacturing, design, sales departments

2 COO to pull it all together

3. Sales to find unique selling point, price and target market

4. Design to design product

5. Discuss ideas, and work out a small presentation (no more than 3 minutes) to sell your product.

6. Be prepared for questions by the Dragons


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