Beavers: Hobbies Activity Badge

It’s confident individuals that make our Beaver Colony strong, so let’s celebrate our individuality.


Hobby activity
Supervise young people appropriately when they’re participating in their hobby.

Hobbies Task 1: Hobby-go-round!
Choose a hobby to take part in for at least 6 weeks. This could be something you have recently started during the lockdown or something new. You could choose a new craft (Kirstie: Keep Crafting and Carry On – Channel 4 has lots of ideas), start baking or cooking, you could start watching wildlife in your garden or many other ideas. Please don’t choose a sporting activity as these won’t count and we are looking at this another week.

Hobbies Task 2: Hobby Hoard
Work to make a hobbies hoard board to showcase when you return to your weekly meeting. Show how you started and the progress you have made over the 6 weeks with photos of things you have made or pictures of what you have seen.
You will need: A4 paper, Camera or phone, String, Sticky tack, Permanent markers, Drawing pins, Board, Backing paper or fabric, Printer, Examples of small items or images for different hobbies (for example, photos, recipe cards, packaging, leaflets, leaves). Or choose your own way to display your hobby hoard!

We will be continuing the Our World Challenge Badge in a future session.

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